Independent Consultant, Egypt
"When RE is mentioned, what immediately comes to my mind is the Egypt success story of the Benban solar plant in upper Egypt. This project was tendered in a FIT (Feed In Tariff) scheme in 2015, and it produces about one and half GW from solar cells. I remember that day, when I was summoned to the office of EEHC chairman's office, where he told me that I would be responsible for the tendering and contracting phase of this project. At that moment, I barely had a little background about this scheme, but somewhere, from the bottom of my heart, sprung the old dream of my final year project in the university, which was all about solar energy, which at that time was a premature technology. I started the journey supported by my team (to whom I owe the success of this project), by studying all the necessary information about the scheme, and how to apply it in our case. The journey was with many stakeholders and success partners, Egyptera, NREA, MoF, EBRD, IFC and of course, the private sector. My message is: Follow your dream, it will come to you while you are busy gaining experience and improving your skills. Never be afraid of new challenges."