247Solar, Inc. envisions a sustainable world powered by abundant, low-cost, zero-carbon energy. 247Solar technologies, with origins at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and initial funding from the US Department of Energy, fulfill the promise of round-the-clock renewables for applications that include:
- 24/7 zero-carbon electricity and industrial-grade heat
- Overnight thermal battery storage with 24/7 dispatchability
- Round-the-clock clean power for green hydrogen and water purification
- Converting industrial waste heat to emissions-free electricity
247Solar technologies are modular, scalable, factory-produced, and easily incorporated into a variety of business models and revenue streams.
The Company is completing commercial-scale versions of its two initial products, the 247Solar Plant™ and HeatStorE™ overnight battery, at its facilities in Hyder, Arizona. Customer deployments begin mid-2022. INFO@247SOLAR.COM WWW.247SOLAR.COM +1-617-290-9913
Bruce Anderson, CEO
Bruce Norman Anderson, President and CEO of 247Solar Inc., is considered one of the solar industry’s foremost pioneers. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Bruce began his solar energy career more than four decades ago, and in 1985, he became the first recipient of the American Solar Energy Society’s Lifetime Solar Contribution Award. He later served on the National Advisory Board of the Solar Energy Research Institute (now the National Renewable Energy Institute, or NREL).